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    摘要 : BACKGROUND: The role of routine lymphadenectomy (LD) among patients undergoing surgery for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) remains poorly defined. This study aimed to evaluate the role of routine LD as well as to quantify th... 展开

    摘要 : Background Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and portal vein hypertension assessed with platelet count (PVH-PLT; platelet count 7 days; non-MIS: 55% vs. MIS: 29%), as well as higher morbidity (non-MIS: 42% vs. MIS: 29%)... 展开

    摘要 : Introduction Biliary tract cancers (BTC) are aggressive malignancies that require complex surgical procedures. Patients with BTC can present with skeletal muscle depletion, yet the effects of muscle wasting (sarcopenia) on outcome... 展开

    摘要 : Background. Regret-based decision curve analysis (DCA) is a framework that assesses the medical decision process according to physician attitudes (expected regret) relative to disease-based factors. We sought to apply this methodo... 展开

    摘要 : BACKGROUND: The role of routine lymphadenectomy for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma is still controversial and no study has defined the minimum number of lymph nodes examined (TNLE). We sought to assess the prognostic performance of ... 展开

    摘要 : Background The impact of tumor burden score (TBS) on conditional survival (CS) among patients undergoing curative-intent resection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has not been examined to date. Methods Patients who underwent liv... 展开

    摘要 : BackgroundThe National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines recommend chemotherapy for patients with inoperable biliary tract cancers (BTC), as well as patients following resection of BTC with lymph node metastasis (N1)/... 展开

    摘要 : Background: The best achievable short-term outcomes after liver surgery have not been identified. Several factors may influence the post-operative course of patients undergoing hepatectomy increasing the risk of post-operative com... 展开
